Description Of Executive Board Positions
President (Not Up for Re-Election)
The NER-AMTAS President is the head of the Executive Board team and the student representative for NER-AMTA. The President will attend all related meetings at the National and Regional Conferences as well as the NER-AMTA Executive Committee meetings. The President will organize and run all NER-AMTAS executive board meetings and compose a bi-annual report. The President is also on the planning sub-committee to implement the annual Passages Student Music Therapy Conference.
President-Elect (2-Year Position)
The President-Elect assists and shadows the President to learn the responsibilities and duties of that office for the following year. The President-Elect will also accompany the President at all board meetings regionally and nationally. They will also review the NER-AMTAS Bylaws and Constitution and present recommended changes to be approved at the annual business meeting. The President-Elect must be committed to serving on the board for two years. The President-Elect works with the Chair of Advocacy to plan an annual spring advocacy event.
Vice President of Berklee College of Music
The Berklee College of Music Vice President serves as the connection and liaison between NER-AMTAS and Berklee College of Music music therapy students. This person reports to NER-AMTAS about music therapy events and news from BCM, and reports NER-AMTAS news to the BCM music therapy community. The Berklee College of Music Vice President is also responsible for managing the Berklee email list and for gathering interest and support from the Berklee community towardsNER-AMTAS events.
Vice President of Lesley University
The Lesley University Vice President serves as the connection and liaison between NER-AMTAS and Lesley University music therapy students. This person reports to NER-AMTAS about music therapy events and news from LU, and reports NER-AMTAS news to the LU music therapy community. The Lesley University Vice President is also responsible for managing the Lesley email list and for gathering interest and support from the Lesley community towards NER-AMTAS events.
Vice President of Southern Connecticut State University
The Southern Connecticut State University Vice President serves as the connection and liaison between NER-AMTAS and the Southern Connecticut State University Music Therapy students. This person reports to NER-AMTAS about music therapy events and news from SCSU, and reports NER-AMTAS news to the SCSU music therapy community. The Southern Connecticut State University Vice President is also responsible for managing the SCSU email list and for gathering interest and support from the Southern Connecticut community towards NER-AMTAS events.
Vice President of University of Rhode Island
The University of Rhode Island Vice President serves as the connection and liaison between NER-AMTAS and University of Rhode Island music therapy students. This person reports to NER-AMTAS about music therapy events and news from URI, and reports NER-AMTAS news to the URI music therapy community. The University of Rhode Island Vice President is also responsible for managing the URI email list and for gathering interest and support from the URI community towards NER-AMTAS events.
Vice President of Westfield State University
The Westfield State University Vice President serves as the connection and liaison between NER-AMTAS and Westfield State University music therapy students. This person reports to NER-AMTAS about music therapy events and news from WSU, and reports NER-AMTAS news to the WSU music therapy community. The Westfield State University Vice President is also responsible for managing the WSU email list and for gathering interest and support from the WSU community towards NER-AMTAS events.
The Secretary acts as record keeper for the NER-AMTAS Executive Board. They are in charge of sending out the agenda for each NER-AMTAS meeting, taking notes at meetings, and posting the meeting minutes to shared online files including Google Drive. Additionally, it is the secretary's job to support and collaborate with the other board members at all meetings, as well as atthe Passages conference.
Treasurer (2-Year Position)
The Treasurer is in charge of keeping records of the financial standing of NER-AMTAS. As the Treasurer, responsibilities include keeping an organized binder to contain all banking information, receipts and other important information. They also will keep an up-to-date balance of the account, make payments when necessary, and follow through with any fundraising ideas. The Treasurer works closely with the SAAB in providing accurate balances and making purchases on behalf of NER-AMTAS.
Public Relations Chair
The Public Relations Chair is responsible for maintaining and updating the NER-AMTAS website and all social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They are also responsible for designing digital promotional materials for all events held by the NER-AMTAS board, including Passages and the annual spring fundraiser. The Public Relations Chair should market other music therapy-related events that are happening in the region to encourage student attendance and should maintain a constant digital presence to represent the student board. It is recommended that this position be familiar with applications such as: Google Drive, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YOLA Website Design.
Chair of Advocacy
The purpose of the Chair of Advocacy is to foster opportunities to spread awareness about services pertaining to music therapy in the New England region while inviting collaboration between prospective students, current students, and professionals in the field. Duties of the Advocacy Chair include providing advocacy-related resources to NER-AMTAS members, developing working relationships with relevant local causes, and planning/promoting special events and/or fundraisers where NER-AMTAS’ member involvement could serve to educate the community about the field of music therapy. The Chair of Advocacy plans an annual spring advocacy event with the President-Elect.
The Parliamentarian will ensure that all NER-AMTAS meetings are conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order. The Parliamentarian and the President-Elect review the NER-AMTAS Bylaws and Constitution and present recommended changes to be approved at the annual business meeting.
Benefits of Serving on the NER-AMTAS Board
This is a great opportunity to meet professional music therapists, support your music therapy peers and other students in the region, and grow into a leadership role within the music therapy community!